Case Study: Quality of Life of a Teacher in a High School Institution in Northern Mexico


  • Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas
  • Alejandra Corral Mendívil
  • Lizeth Armenta Zazueta
  • Diego Rene López Jacobo



The purpose of this project was to know the current quality of work life of high school teachers in southern Sonora, which sought to answer the following research question; What is the level of quality of work life of high school teachers in three municipalities in southern Sonora?

The methodology carried out was under the quantitative approach of a non-experimental type and with a transactional design, taking as a sample 5 educational modalities with a total of 108 participants of both sexes, most of whom have bachelor's, master's, doctorate studies and to a lesser extent preparatory or technical. To carry out and execute the study, an instrument called the Questionnaire to measure the quality of working life of teachers in Upper Secondary Education was applied. The purpose of the questionnaire is to know the teacher's perception of his or her quality of working life. The reliability of the instrument was acquired through internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha correlation matrix, resulting in .955 which tells us that the instrument is reliable.

The results obtained in the research  regarding the different study variables showed that the quality of work life with respect to the perception of the work team is 84%, satisfaction with their work and colleagues 72%, in which the perception of the remuneration received for their work is found as an area of opportunity.  as well as the dissatisfaction with the retirement plans that are currently in place;  and working conditions with 78.20%, giving a general value of 82.22% regarding the level of current quality of working life of the Upper Secondary Education teacher.


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How to Cite

Campas, C. Y. Q. ., Mendívil, A. C. ., Zazueta, L. A. ., & Jacobo, D. R. L. . (2023). Case Study: Quality of Life of a Teacher in a High School Institution in Northern Mexico . Migration Letters, 20(S10), 1126–1149.


