Ubaldo Martínez-Palacio, Samara Romero-Caballero, Ana Guzmán-Valeta, Jorge Ruiz-Escorcia, Alejandro Valencia-Pérez, Marcial Conde-Hernandez, Edgardo Sánchez-Montero, Gloria Moreno-Gómez, Kadry Garcia-Mendoza, Claudia Medina-Mosquera, Jorge Bolaño-Truyol, Aura Ganem-luna, and Daniela Alcala-Martínez. “Learning Styles and Performance in Generic Competencies at the Higher Education Level”. Migration Letters 20, no. S7 (October 6, 2023): 702–715. Accessed October 4, 2024. https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/4431.