Faisal Yehia Mastour Almalky , Homaid Hamad Homaid Al Sahafi , Mohammed Ahmed Mahi Melibari , Ahmad Abdulmueen Selmi Alraddadi , Hani Mohamed Beheiry and Hend Nafei Alkulaity , Osama Abdullah Alzahrani , Dima Ghalib Joharji , Alwaleed Fayduallah M Alidriss , Yousef Khader Alsobhi , Emad Mohammed Ali Alzahrany , Naif Rashed Abdullah Alabdan (2022) “Relation Between Quality Of Sleep Habits And Glycemic Control Among Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Patients”, Migration Letters. London, UK, 19(S5), pp. 812–834. Available at: https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/9887 (Accessed: 22July2024).