Advanced Technology And Its Impact On The Clinical Laboratory: Innovative Technological Advancements In Laboratory Medicine: Predicting The Lab Of The Future


  • Mosa Mohammed Assiry, Faisal Dakheel Alqahtani, Mohammed Mutlaq Alotaibi, Ahmad Mohammad Alsmari, Sultan Abdulhadi Aldawsari , Abdulrahman Safar Alshahrani,
  • Rami Saleh Aljohani, Faisal Rizqallah Alharbi, Ayman Hamad Almutairi, Hani Mohammad Nasser, Riyadh Saeed Khasheeah, Noura Mandeel Alduaiya, Norah Ali Khairallah, Abdullah Saed Asiri


Precision medicine and the integration of cutting-edge technologies are driving a dramatic change in the clinical laboratory scene. The transition from manual to automated processes, the emergence of high-throughput omics technologies, and the growing significance of bioinformatics and big data are the hallmarks of this trend. These developments have aided in the shift to customized healthcare, where clinical laboratories are essential to the precise identification and interpretation of patient data for the development of individualized treatment plans. But there are drawbacks to this change as well, such as the requirement for improved laboratory facilities, standardization of molecular diagnostic methods, and incorporation of new technologies into preexisting frameworks.. Despite these obstacles, clinical laboratories have the potential to be at the vanguard of a significant shift in patient care through precision medicine. The influence of clinical labs on precision medicine is still being shaped by the continuous advancement of laboratory techniques and the integration of varied biological data. These developments hold the promise of improving patient outcomes and deepening our understanding of disease causes.

This abstract offers a succinct overview of the subjects covered, emphasizing how technology has revolutionized clinical laboratories and how important they are to the development of precision medicine.


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Mosa Mohammed Assiry, Faisal Dakheel Alqahtani, Mohammed Mutlaq Alotaibi, Ahmad Mohammad Alsmari, Sultan Abdulhadi Aldawsari , Abdulrahman Safar Alshahrani, & Rami Saleh Aljohani, Faisal Rizqallah Alharbi, Ayman Hamad Almutairi, Hani Mohammad Nasser, Riyadh Saeed Khasheeah, Noura Mandeel Alduaiya, Norah Ali Khairallah, Abdullah Saed Asiri. (2022). Advanced Technology And Its Impact On The Clinical Laboratory: Innovative Technological Advancements In Laboratory Medicine: Predicting The Lab Of The Future. Migration Letters, 19(S8), 1005–1014. Retrieved from


