Healthcare Workers’ Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Sterilization And Reuse Of Medical Devices In Primary And Secondary Care Public Hospitals A Cross-Sectional Survey


  • Fawaz Mutair Alatawi ,bandar faraj alshammary , jawaher said alshahrani , Majed fahad Aldawsari , -Ebtehaj falah alkubra , Hanan Saeed Alzahrani
  • AbdulAziz Ibrahim AlSalamah , Fahad Hamoud Alotaibi , RABDAA Abdullah Al-Azmi , alhanoof Atallah alanazi , Marwa Hassan Al-Hazmi


Background: Healthcare facilities rely on the effective reprocessing and sterilization of reusable medical devices to prevent the transmission of pathogens during invasive clinical procedures. Understanding healthcare workers' knowledge and attitudes towards this process is crucial for maintaining patient safety. This research focuses on assessing healthcare workers' perceptions and practices related to the sterilization and reuse of medical devices .

Methods: A nationwide multi-center cross-sectional survey was conducted in primary and secondary-care public hospitals . The survey targeted healthcare workers directly involved in medical device reprocessing, includ[1]ing doctors, nurses, paramedics, and office assistants. Descriptive analyses, logistic regression, and ordinal regression models were used to analyze demographic information, knowledge, and attitude responses.

Results: The survey, completed by 219 healthcare workers, revealed that the majority had adequate knowledge regarding sterilization and reuse procedures. However, certain areas, such as sterilization techniques, storage protocols for sterilized devices, prion decontamination, and adherence to standard precautions, highlighted the need for further education and training. Nurses demonstrated higher levels of correct knowledge and positive attitudes compared to paramedics and office assistants. Permanent staff members also showed better understanding in certain knowledge domains compared to temporary staff.

Conclusions: While overall knowledge and attitudes towards medical device sterilization and reuse were positive, gaps in specific areas require targeted educational interventions. This research underscores the importance of continuous training programs to ensure healthcare workers maintain high standards in sterilization practices, ultimately enhancing patient safety in  healthcare settings.


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How to Cite

Fawaz Mutair Alatawi ,bandar faraj alshammary , jawaher said alshahrani , Majed fahad Aldawsari , -Ebtehaj falah alkubra , Hanan Saeed Alzahrani, & AbdulAziz Ibrahim AlSalamah , Fahad Hamoud Alotaibi , RABDAA Abdullah Al-Azmi , alhanoof Atallah alanazi , Marwa Hassan Al-Hazmi. (2022). Healthcare Workers’ Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Sterilization And Reuse Of Medical Devices In Primary And Secondary Care Public Hospitals A Cross-Sectional Survey. Migration Letters, 19(S2), 458–464. Retrieved from


