Turnover Among Nursing Facility Administrators: A Literature Review Of Financial And Operational Burden


  • Mohammed Saad Abdullah Alnughaythir , Abreehem Hsain K Al Hrthy , Asma Radi Aldhafeeri , Fahad Nasser Alharbi , Mohammed Ali Alquwafli , Abdulaziz Muadhid Abdulaziz Aljameeli
  • Hussain Abdulwahed Hussain Alkhudhiri , Anwar Ali Alshawaf , Abdullah Mohamed Al Thenian , Nasser Draan Hassn Alharbi , Fahed Hsaan Nasser Alharbi


This study investigates the high turnover rate among nursing facility administrators and its detrimental impact on healthcare organizations.  High turnover disrupts operations, strains finances, and potentially jeopardizes patient care continuity.  By employing Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory, the research explores factors influencing administrator departures and identifies leadership strategies to mitigate turnover. Addressing motivators, such as job satisfaction and career advancement, alongside hygiene factors like work-life balance and compensation, can promote administrator retention and ensure organizational stability.


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Mohammed Saad Abdullah Alnughaythir , Abreehem Hsain K Al Hrthy , Asma Radi Aldhafeeri , Fahad Nasser Alharbi , Mohammed Ali Alquwafli , Abdulaziz Muadhid Abdulaziz Aljameeli, & Hussain Abdulwahed Hussain Alkhudhiri , Anwar Ali Alshawaf , Abdullah Mohamed Al Thenian , Nasser Draan Hassn Alharbi , Fahed Hsaan Nasser Alharbi. (2022). Turnover Among Nursing Facility Administrators: A Literature Review Of Financial And Operational Burden. Migration Letters, 19(S5), 904–909. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/9898


