Effect Of The Awareness Of Dental Clinic Among Dental Restorations In Adults' Patients Attending In The Primary Health Care At Saudi Arabia 2022


  • Saud attallah aljoaid , Turki Abdullah abdulrahman Alobaidi , Hazza Sonitan Almutiri , Khaled Faisal Althobaiti , Abdulaziz Omar Sairafi , Mohammed Abdullah Alnajjar
  • Abed Mohamed A Abduljawad , Mahmoud Adel I Slaghour , Abdulaziz Saleh Alharthi , Feras jamal alwaznah , Maher Marwan Mansour Aref



Obtain information on the restorative dental care of adults in Saudi Arabia . A random sample of private dentists was drawn from the register, and in 2022 they were sent a questionnaire requesting them to record information for each restoration placed during one ordinary working day. A total of 300 dentists were contacted and 200 responded. The dentists reported placement of 3,230 restorations. Of these, 5% were Class I, 36% were Class II, 13% were Class III, 9% were Class IV, 21% were Class V, and 16% were extensive restorations including 4 or more surfaces. Overall, composite resin was the most common restorative material, and it was use[1]d in 79% of the restorations, whereas amalgam was used in 5%, composer's in 4%, and glass ionomers (either conventional or resin‐modified) in 7% of cases. In 5% of the cases, the tooth was restored with indirect restorative methods, using either gold or ceramic materials. Of the treatments, 65% were replacements of previous restorations.  The median age of failed restorations was 15 years for amalgam, 6 years for composite, and 7 years for conventional glass ionomer. Although the comparisons with our previous studies indicate improved survival periods for tooth coloured materials.. Aim of the study: To assessment the effect of the awareness of dental clinic among dental Restorations in adult's patients attending in the Primary health care at Saudi Arabia 2022. Method: cross sectional study conducted at outpatient dental clinics in primary health care center  at Saudi Arabia in Sample population consists of Saudi out patients aged 25 <55 years attending. Our total participants were (200). Results:. Show among the socio-demographic details among the adults patients regarding age majority of the study groups from the 3544 years were (44.0%) the residence area the majority of the respondents urban were (76.0%) regarding having an old father/mother the most of  the participants  answer No were (82.0%) the education status the majority of the respondents medium were (29.0%). Conclusion: All types of fixed and removable restorations are highly prevalent, especially among older age groups, in most  countries. There is a trend towards higher frequencies of fixed restorations, more removable partial dentures and a reduction in complete dentures is fundamental to determinations of normative treatment needs, to interventions designed to reduce the frequency of inappropriate treatment, and to the development of valid practice parameters.


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How to Cite

Saud attallah aljoaid , Turki Abdullah abdulrahman Alobaidi , Hazza Sonitan Almutiri , Khaled Faisal Althobaiti , Abdulaziz Omar Sairafi , Mohammed Abdullah Alnajjar, & Abed Mohamed A Abduljawad , Mahmoud Adel I Slaghour , Abdulaziz Saleh Alharthi , Feras jamal alwaznah , Maher Marwan Mansour Aref. (2022). Effect Of The Awareness Of Dental Clinic Among Dental Restorations In Adults’ Patients Attending In The Primary Health Care At Saudi Arabia 2022. Migration Letters, 19(S5), 799–811. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/9886


