Using Healthcare Analytics To Identify Gaps In Quality Of Care For Patients With Chronic Diseases


  • Faarooq Hassan Abdullah Alzahrani , Nassar Abdullah Saed Alzahrani , Fahad Mesfer Saeed Alghamdi , Omar Ahmed Nahari , Ahmed Obaidan Abdullah Almutairi
  • Mohammed Zaher Al Zahrani , Ehab Mahmoud Abduljawad , Abdullah Ghazzai Ghazzi Alotaibi , Turki Mousa Mohammed Alkadi , Turki Hunaitem Alotaibi


Healthcare analytics has emerged as a powerful tool for improving the quality of care for patients with chronic diseases. By leveraging vast amounts of patient data, healthcare organizations can identify gaps in care, optimize treatment strategies, and enhance patient outcomes. This literature review examines the current evidence on utilizing healthcare analytics to identify and address quality of care issues for chronic disease[1] management. Key strategies identified include predictive modeling, risk stratification, care coordination, population health management, and patient engagement. These data-driven approaches have demonstrated significant potential in improving chronic disease outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and promoting patient-centered care. However, challenges such as data quality, interoperability, privacy concerns, and the need for specialized expertise can hinder the effective implementation of healthcare analytics. Further research is needed to refine and standardize analytical methods, develop user-friendly tools, and evaluate the long-term impact of analytics-driven interventions on chronic disease management and patient outcomes.


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How to Cite

Faarooq Hassan Abdullah Alzahrani , Nassar Abdullah Saed Alzahrani , Fahad Mesfer Saeed Alghamdi , Omar Ahmed Nahari , Ahmed Obaidan Abdullah Almutairi, & Mohammed Zaher Al Zahrani , Ehab Mahmoud Abduljawad , Abdullah Ghazzai Ghazzi Alotaibi , Turki Mousa Mohammed Alkadi , Turki Hunaitem Alotaibi. (2022). Using Healthcare Analytics To Identify Gaps In Quality Of Care For Patients With Chronic Diseases. Migration Letters, 19(S2), 399–405. Retrieved from


