The Role of Laboratory Testing in Disease Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Review


  • Nawal Awadh Alanazi , Amal Abdulrahman Almehini , Lamia Yousef Ali Al Ghilan , Hawazen Shaker Almansour , Sultan Fahad Alharbi , Sulaiman Mutlaq N Almutairi
  • Badreyah Diweihi Al Enezi , Fahad Mohmmad Saeed Alzahrani , Fahad Abdulaziz Alabbas , Muteb Abdulrahmanmohammed Alharbi


Laboratory testing is significant in the diagnosis and management of various diseases. This comprehensive review examines the importance of laboratory testing in disease diagnosis by analyzing existing literature and studies. The study utilizes secondary data sources to provide a thorough overview of the role of laboratory testing in identifying and monitoring different health conditions. The review first discusses the various types of laboratory tests commonly used in medical practice, including blood tests, imaging studies, and genetic testing. It then explores the significance of laboratory testing in diagnosing a wide range of illnesses, including chronic conditions and cancer. The review also highlights the role of laboratory testing in disease screening, monitoring treatment efficacy, and predicting disease progression. Furthermore, the review addresses the challenges and limitations associated with laboratory testing, such as false positive and false negative results, limited test availability, and cost constraints. It also discusses the importance of healthcare providers' accurate interpretation of laboratory test results to ensure appropriate clinical decision-making. Overall, this review emphasizes the crucial role of laboratory testing in disease diagnosis and management and underscores the need for ongoing research and advancements in laboratory technology to enhance healthcare outcomes.


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How to Cite

Nawal Awadh Alanazi , Amal Abdulrahman Almehini , Lamia Yousef Ali Al Ghilan , Hawazen Shaker Almansour , Sultan Fahad Alharbi , Sulaiman Mutlaq N Almutairi, & Badreyah Diweihi Al Enezi , Fahad Mohmmad Saeed Alzahrani , Fahad Abdulaziz Alabbas , Muteb Abdulrahmanmohammed Alharbi. (2022). The Role of Laboratory Testing in Disease Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Review . Migration Letters, 19(S8), 608–617. Retrieved from


