A Review on Advancements in Laboratory Techniques and Their Impact on Healthcare


  • Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed AlQarni , Rani Saleh Mohammed Ali Abiedly , Wared slman Wared Al slman , Mashhour Ahmed Abdulmumin Amrani , Fawzi Saad Maqbul ALmatrafi , Rami Abdullwahed Jabreel Hawsawi ,
  • Waheed Mohammed Bakkawi , Ghadeer Ahmed Fraj Almoalad , Tahani Ali Mohammed Fallatah , Azam Mohammed Thani Ibrahim , Mazin Sami Abduljabbar Al-Qurashi


This review explores the advancements in laboratory techniques and their impact on healthcare. Through the analysis of secondary data, various laboratory technologies that have emerged in recent years are examined, including next-generation sequencing, liquid biopsy, and digital pathology. These technologies have revolutionized diagnostic and treatment processes in healthcare by providing more accurate and timely results, as well as enabling personalized medicine. Next-generation sequencing allows for rapid and comprehensive genetic analysis, leading to more precise diagnoses and treatment strategies for various diseases. Liquid biopsy offers a non-invasive method of monitoring disease development and cure reaction, particularly in cancer patients. Digital pathology, on the other hand, enhances the efficiency and accuracy of histopathological analysis by digitizing tissue samples and enabling experts to do remote reviews. The adoption of these innovative laboratory techniques has significantly improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and contributed to advancements in medical research. However, challenges such as data privacy, cost-effectiveness, and regulatory concerns remain, which are essential to the extensive implementation of these technologies. Overall, the development and integration of advanced laboratory techniques hold great promise for the future of healthcare, offering more precise diagnostic tools and personalized treatment approaches for patients worldwide.


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How to Cite

Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed AlQarni , Rani Saleh Mohammed Ali Abiedly , Wared slman Wared Al slman , Mashhour Ahmed Abdulmumin Amrani , Fawzi Saad Maqbul ALmatrafi , Rami Abdullwahed Jabreel Hawsawi , & Waheed Mohammed Bakkawi , Ghadeer Ahmed Fraj Almoalad , Tahani Ali Mohammed Fallatah , Azam Mohammed Thani Ibrahim , Mazin Sami Abduljabbar Al-Qurashi. (2022). A Review on Advancements in Laboratory Techniques and Their Impact on Healthcare . Migration Letters, 19(S8), 489–497. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/9776


