Improving Patient Documentation Accuracy: The Role of Nursing and Medical Secretarial Collaboration


  • Afaf Hassan Alabwi , Sajedah Yousef Aldarweesh , Ahmed Mohammad Alghazal , Rajaa Mohammed Alibrahim , Layla Ali Hussain Busror
  • Ebtsam Sultan Amohsin , Aishah Adel Alomairah , Afifa Ali Hussain Busror , Haifa Saud Alsaleh


Background: Accurate patient documents are important to ensuring quality healthcare delivery. However, completing and keeping high levels of documentation accuracy pose significant challenges in healthcare settings. Previous research has highlighted the importance of association between nursing and medical secretarial staff in improving documentation practices. Despite this recognition, there remains a need for observed investigation into the effectiveness of collaborative efforts in enhancing patient documentation accuracy.

Methods: A mixed-methods approach was used in this study to examine how nursing and medical secretarial teamwork can enhance the accuracy of patient recording. The experiences, difficulties, and opinions of the nursing and medical secretarial staff about documentation procedures and teamwork were gathered through qualitative interviews. Furthermore, observational studies were conducted to watch cooperative relationships in actual healthcare environments. To guarantee uniformity and rigour in data gathering, instruments including observation checklists and interview guides were used.

Results: Numerous important conclusions were drawn from the analysis of the observational data and qualitative interviews. It has been discovered that cooperation between medical secretarial and nursing staff greatly improves the accuracy of patient documentation. Collaboration was shown to be greatly aided by efficient routes of communication, such as frequent meetings and common platforms for documentation. Moreover, workflow integration reduced errors and expedited documentation procedures for both secretarial and nursing staff. The findings also demonstrated how crucial it is for the two groups to appreciate and understand one another in order to promote fruitful cooperation.

Discussion: The results of this study highlight the significance of encouraging cooperation between medical secretarial and nursing personnel in order to increase the accuracy of patient recording. Healthcare organizations can improve the overall quality of patient care and optimise documentation procedures by integrating workflows and utilising efficient communication channels. Collaborative efforts may be impeded by obstacles including hierarchical structures and opposition to change in healthcare environments. In order to overcome these obstacles, organizational initiatives, training programmes, and leadership support are needed to foster a culture of cooperation and continual improvement. All things considered, this study adds to the expanding corpus of information regarding healthcare documentation procedures and offers useful advice to medical facilities looking to improve patient care through teamwork.


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How to Cite

Afaf Hassan Alabwi , Sajedah Yousef Aldarweesh , Ahmed Mohammad Alghazal , Rajaa Mohammed Alibrahim , Layla Ali Hussain Busror, & Ebtsam Sultan Amohsin , Aishah Adel Alomairah , Afifa Ali Hussain Busror , Haifa Saud Alsaleh. (2022). Improving Patient Documentation Accuracy: The Role of Nursing and Medical Secretarial Collaboration . Migration Letters, 19(S2), 325–330. Retrieved from


