Policy Innovation For Societal Change: Examining STI Policy In Pakistan


  • Zainab Taiyyeba alias Huma Bukhari
  • Arabella Bhutto


This study is a case study where the principle of the exploration of all aspects of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policies of Turkey and Iran is put into action by the author who aims at illuminating simultaneously the areas that are in the need of improvement within the Pakistan’s STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) framework. The research is intended to be a critical study on the STI policies of these states and builds the literature that not only explains the elements of STI policies that works but also learn the parts of the policy that does not. The study will be held employing Omar’s six principles alongside a 22-indicator evaluation matrix for assessing and proving the effectiveness of the existing STI initiatives at the country-level. In addition to this, the study will highlight the issue areas that must be improved in order to accomplish the set policy targets. Our research process allows for cross-country analysis of STI policies that take into account your research purpose. The necessary analysis of the historical evolution, the implementation of the policy and its result for the intelligent products, the economic growth and the level of human capital development are included. In that stream, there is one st[1]riking, the NASTIC (Need Assessment of Science, technology, and Innovation Cycle) framework. This framework is being developed to be distinctive from what it used to be before in order to face and conquer the problems Pakistani STI policies have faced in the past. Also, it is meant to be applied while observing the structure for any improvements or changes that may need to be made. On one hand, these conclusions can provide the stakeholders, decision-makers and researchers of Pakistan’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) with an evidence-based validation. The present study endeavors in subliming the areas that science, technology and innovation (STI) policy measures in Pakistan need to be must more developed by introducing its policy plan for such improvement. This study is thus contributing to the studies that are based on STI policy evaluation, reinforce their conception by focusing on the comparative analysis and policy adjustments as the key factors of success.


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How to Cite

Bukhari, Z. T. alias H. ., & Bhutto, A. (2024). Policy Innovation For Societal Change: Examining STI Policy In Pakistan. Migration Letters, 21(S9), 109–129. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/9671


