Strategy Of Sustainable Conservation And Preservation To Stop Migration From Architectural Heritage Sites


  • Mohamed Wahba Ibrahim Khalil
  • Mohamed Atef Elhamy Kamel


Urbanization is of special concern to those of us who understand the great value of cultural heritage sites. In a sense, urbanization is the reason for and the culmination of many of the ills discussed in the previous researches; as cities grow and develop, more and more people around the globe move from simpler, heritage ways of life into modern urban ones as called migration of the heritage sites population. Thess developments process often degrades heritage environments and communities, which in turn sends more people to live in the modern  sites, creating a feedback loop of over-exploitation of resources to unsustainable patterns. Many of these heritage areas are home to some of the world's greatest treasures, in the form of natural wonders and human cultural heritage sites, and these are often placed under severe threat from fundamental changes in human activity in their surrounding environments.

Meanwhile, many cities themselves are important cultural landscapes. As their populations expand beyond their historical boundaries and population capacity, redevelopment and sprawl threaten countless sites of great cultural, aesthetic, and historic significance. Development in and of itself is not necessarily destructive, but poor city planning, the unchecked intrusion of  heritage and (sub)urban sprawl into formerly rural areas, indifference by officials to important sites, and exponential population growth combine to create a host of problems that threaten both sites of human cultural heritage and the natural environment itself. New Methods and migration of the heritage sites population contexts addressed migration as an urgent global con[1]cern, and it was connected to heritage. So, the paper aims to elucidate and complicate relations between migration and cultural heritage, through historical perspectives zone and contemporary global contexts to make a sustainability of architectural restoration and preservation to stop emigrate from heritage sites.

As example, Cairo is full of historical areas and important monuments that embody the city’s richness not only as the capital of the Islamic world, but also as one of the masterpieces of urban humanity throughout history. Hence, the scope of the historic city of Cairo was included in the World Heritage List in 1979 under the name Islamic Cairo in recognition of its absolute historical, archaeological and urban importance. Which has no princes , which requires an urgent plan to preserve the site and stop the deterioration of the urban fabric, which suffers from accumulated problems such as social and economic pressures, poor infrastructure, illegal settlement, traffic and transportation problems. 


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How to Cite

Khalil , M. W. I. ., & Kamel, M. A. E. . (2023). Strategy Of Sustainable Conservation And Preservation To Stop Migration From Architectural Heritage Sites . Migration Letters, 20(S12), 1638–1659. Retrieved from


