Unravelling Radical Ideologies: Depictions And Perceptions In Three Daughters Of Eve


  • Gulalai Khan
  • Dr. Abdul Waheed Qureshi
  • Dr. Anbarin Fatima
  • Murtaza Hussain


The current study is an attempt to deal with the portrayal of ideologies as social construction in order to explore the presentation of radicalism in Elif Shafak’s (cited in Khan, 2023) Three Daughters of Eve. The novel comprised of certain themes but the main concern of the study dealt with the concept of radicalism, specifically focusing on radical ideologies through flux, religious standards, and the ways they affect modern society. Due to the qualitative nature, the data was analyzed through various tools of close reading technique using William E. Cain’s model. Social constructivism theory, adopted by Lev Vigotsky (1978) is taken as a theoretical perspective for the present research to explain various themes that form the basis of radicalism. Religious people have intolerant behaviour toward racial injustice, and radical beliefs, which can contribute to fanatic and radical society. The study found that religious intolerance, religious violence, and absolutism are the precursors of radical ideologies in fostering radicalism. It is concluded that language is discursively used by the stakeholders who give negative social roles to identity, which results the social construction of ideologies.


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How to Cite

Khan, G. ., Qureshi, D. A. W., Fatima, D. A. ., & Hussain, M. (2023). Unravelling Radical Ideologies: Depictions And Perceptions In Three Daughters Of Eve. Migration Letters, 20(S9), 1785–1794. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/9594


