Gamification And Employee Engagement In A Global Business Context


  • Apurvaa Trivedi
  • Som Aditya Juyal
  • Amit Nautiyal


In the era of globalization, organizations face the multifaceted challenge of maintaining high levels of employee engagement across diverse cultural contexts. As traditional motivational strategies encounter limitations in this complex landscape, the rise of digital solutions has paved the way for innovative approaches. Among these, gamification, which involves the integration of game-like elements into non-gaming contexts, has emerged as a particularly promising strategy to invigorate the modern workforce. With its blend of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational elements, gamification has the potential to bridge cultural gaps, cater to the digital-native demographic, and foster a deeper sense of connection and commitment among employees. This paper embarks on a comprehensive journey, providing a conceptual exploration of the intricate synergy between gamification and global employee engagement. Central to our discourse is the importance of cultural considerations. We delve deep into empirical insights, drawing from real-world case studies and research findings, to substantiate the tangible benefits and challenges of gamified engagement strategies. Furthermore, the paper underscores practical implications, offering organizations a roadmap to harness the power of gamification effectively. Through this, we aim to provide academics and practitioners alike with a holistic understanding of gamification's transformative potential in the realm of global employee engagement.


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How to Cite

Trivedi, A. ., Juyal, S. A. ., & Nautiyal, A. . (2024). Gamification And Employee Engagement In A Global Business Context. Migration Letters, 21(S7), 1947–1952. Retrieved from


