Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education: Strategies For Fostering Creativity In Writing Instruction


  • Huma Salman
  • Atika Imran
  • Salma Niazi
  • Aisha Rahat
  • Areeba Arif
  • Saeeda Anjum Buriro
  • Dr. Shah Muhammad Butt


Artificial Intelligence based writing Assistant (AWAs) are software tools powered by natural language processing (NLP) that offer functionalities like grammar and plagiarism checks, vocabulary suggestions, and sentence structure improvement. While AWAs hold promises for enhancing writing instruction, concerns exist regarding their potential impact on creativity and critical thinking. This qualitative study examines the use and perception of Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing assistants (AWAs) among educators and students in public and private universities of Karachi, Pakistan. To shed light on these issues, a purposive sampling approach recruited ten participants: five educators currently teaching writing courses at public or private Karachi universities and five students enrolled in writing courses where AWAs are utilized (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Semi-structured interviews were conducted to delve into participants' experiences with AWAs in the writing classroom, perceived effects on creativity and critical thinking, observed changes in teaching or learning practices due to AWAs (educators only), and challenges and opportunities associated with integrating. Interviews were audio-recorded with permission, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed thematically to identify recurring patterns and diverse perspectives. Data collection continued until data saturation was achieved (Fuschia & Strauss, 2017). Trustworthiness and ethical considerations were addressed through member checking, researcher reflexivity, and informed consent procedures. This research contributes to the ongoing conversation about AWAs in writing instruction by examining their use within the specific context of Karachi universities. Findings, presented in a future publication, will offer valuable insights for educators seeking to navigate the potential benefits and drawbacks of AWAs, fostering both technical proficiency and creativity in student writing.


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How to Cite

Salman, H. ., Imran, A. ., Niazi, S. ., Rahat, A., Arif, A. ., Buriro, S. A. ., & Butt, D. S. M. . (2024). Artificial Intelligence In Higher Education: Strategies For Fostering Creativity In Writing Instruction. Migration Letters, 21(S8), 1089–1097. Retrieved from


