A Survey on the mental health of unaccompanied women refugees in Moria Camp, Greece


  • Vasilis S Gavalas University of the Aegean
  • Maryam Shayestefar University of the Aegean




Refugees, Moria Camp, Health-related issues, Unaccompanied Women, GHO-28


A survey concerning the mental health of unaccompanied women (women who have immigrated alone or with their minor children illegally) was conducted in the currently biggest refugee camp in Greece on the island of Lesvos. A form of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used as the main screening tool of the wellbeing of 69 females. Results showed that these women reported having symptoms of bad health, anxiety, sleeping disorders and depression in a greater degree than their usual status before coming to the camp. Results differ by ethnicity. Women from sub-Saharan Africa seem to be more vulnerable than other ethnic groups, while Somalian women are the most resilient ethnic group, since they did not show critical symptoms in any of the examined health issues. Differences in health-related issues between ethnic groups proved statistically significant. On the other hand, age and duration of stay in the camp, although altered to some degree the results, did not make any statistically significant difference.


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Author Biographies

Vasilis S Gavalas, University of the Aegean

Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece.


Maryam Shayestefar, University of the Aegean

Research Fellow, Department of Marine Sciences, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece


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How to Cite

Gavalas, V. S., & Shayestefar, M. (2021). A Survey on the mental health of unaccompanied women refugees in Moria Camp, Greece. Migration Letters, 18(4), 439–451. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v18i4.939


