The Technical Influence In Chat Generative Pre-Trained Among Students For Modern Learning Traits


  • Dr. Nanthini M
  • Dr. Prasanth Bupendranath
  • Mr. Aravindan Mohan
  • Dr. Ajai Abraham Thomas


Introduction: The introduction section investigates the technical influences of chat generative pre-trained models on students’ modern learning traits that aim to contribute nuanced insights to the evolving landscape of educational technology. The introduction highlights the factors related to the statistical data and contextualizes the prevalence of these models.

Literature Review: The literature review critically examines the existing research delving into the multifaceted dimensions of chat generative pre-trained models in education. From the analysis, explores the historical evolution, emphasizing the increasing integration of technology in modern learning technology. It has been estimated that the synthesis of key findings have laid the foundation for subsequent empirical investigation. 

Methodology: The methodology section outlines a primary quantitative approach that engages 65 participants through structured survey. By leveraging the SPSS tool, the study employees the descriptive analysis, correlation approaches, ANOVA and the tests of reliability and validity that are accustomed with the interconnectedness of engagement frequency. Furthermore, regression analysis has found out the substantial influences on students’ engagement and perceived impact.

Findings and Analysis: This portion of the study has presented a comprehensive examination of participants’ responses. The correlation analysis has revealed a significant positive relationship that focuses on students’ engagement and perceived impacts.

Discussion: The discussion interprets results withi[1]n the broader approaches that have highlighted the significance of active engagement and the motive of personalized learning experiences. From the analysis, it has been found out that educators and policymakers are underscored and has emphasized the need for prolonged pedagogical alignments.

Conclusion: The conclusion section summarizes the key findings that have reinforced a substantial contribution to the existing body of knowledge. The research delineates the foundation for optimizing the innovative technologies in education. The functional approaches of the study have shaped the modern learning experiences in understanding the role of ChatGPT in students’ learning process.


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How to Cite

M, D. N. ., Bupendranath, D. P. ., Mohan, M. A. ., & Thomas, D. A. A. (2024). The Technical Influence In Chat Generative Pre-Trained Among Students For Modern Learning Traits . Migration Letters, 21(S8), 265–281. Retrieved from


