Impact Of Digitalization On Internal Changes In The Standard Employment Relationship
Digital innovations focused at enabling cheap and quick exchange of large amounts of data and information have significantly laid the foundation for rising digital economy and paved the way for the emergence of changed working arrangements thus directing a fast growth of digital labour platforms. Digitalisation is not just about altering the nature of workplaces, skills development, and jobs but also subjecting the way of allocating work and growth is attributed to having the potential of providing work to a large count of people along with offering increased flexibility[1]. Conversely, with digital labour platforms operating across diverse jurisdictions, there needs to be some form of international coordination and policy dialogues for their protection. Focusing on existing literature has highlighted that employees are making a substantial transition towards the gig economy on grounds of relevant motivating factors like autonomy, flexibility, and better-earning sources among others. Despite the benefits, working hours, earnings, regular working scope, social protection, and occupational safety and health pose major aspects that tend to limit their satisfaction. It is also obtained that algorithmic management practices existing in the workplaces of these digital platform companies and the absence of subsequent legislative structures make it challenging for the workers in obtaining better working conditions.
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