Self-Care Strategies For Patients With Chronic Heart Failure To Managing Their Problems


  • Haneen Saad Aljohani
  • Mohammed Abdulaziz M Khair
  • Hussam muidh saad althagafi
  • Saeed Mohammed Bamani
  • Naif Shulaywih Khalaf Alotaibi
  • Fatima Ibrahim Mohammed Modiyee
  • Ekhlas Abdullwahab Mohammed Alfi
  • Khaled Muadi Al-Otaibi
  • Mohammed Lahiq Alotaibi
  • Abrahim Muhamad Aleumayri
  • Khaled Abdul Rahman Alnahedh


Background :Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a common chronic illness associated with substantial morbidity and mortality poor quality of life and frequent hospitalization .Aim of the study :was to determine self-care strategies used by patients for managing these problems, then proposed self-care strategies based on patients 'ability .Design :A descriptive exploratory research design was used .Subjects: A purposive sample of 100 patients with CHF admitted to cardiology clinic at Makkah hospital .Data collection tool :Interview questionnaire sheet .Results : Physiological problems related to respiratory system 100%, 100% %96& of patients experienced cough, bluish lips & cardiac asthma respectively, related to cardiovascular 100% %100 & of patients experienced hypertension & change in nail shape respectively, related to nervous system 98% %100& of patients experienced blurred vision & spend time till getting sleep respectively related to gastrointestinal system 100% %100 & of patients experienced nausea, vomiting & anorexia respectively, related to execratory system 92% of patients experienced urine incontinence, psychological problems 100%    %98 & of patients experienced anxiety & depression respectively, social problems 98% of them had financial burden and more than half 66% of them had satisfactory level of self-care strategies .Conclusion :The problems experienced by the patients with CHF are: physiological problems related to different body systems respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, gastrointestinal and execratory system in addition to the problems related to side effect of received treatment, psychological and social problems. [1]Mean- while, more than half of them had satisfactory levels of self-care strategies for managing biopsychosocial problems experienced by such group of patients. Recommendation :There is a need for continuous educational programs for patients with CHF and their families about disease, and self-care strategies for managing their biopsychsocial problems.


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How to Cite

Aljohani, H. S. ., Khair, M. A. M. ., althagafi, H. muidh saad ., Bamani, S. M. ., Alotaibi, N. S. K. ., Modiyee, F. I. M. ., Alfi, E. A. M. ., Khaled Muadi Al-Otaibi, Mohammed Lahiq Alotaibi, Abrahim Muhamad Aleumayri, & Khaled Abdul Rahman Alnahedh. (2023). Self-Care Strategies For Patients With Chronic Heart Failure To Managing Their Problems. Migration Letters, 20(S1), 2784–2797. Retrieved from


