Impact OF Use OF Plain X-Ray, Computed Tomography, AND Magnetic Resonance Imaging AMONG Emergency Physicians AND HEALTH CARE WORKING IN X-Ray DEPARTMENT IN Public Sector Tertiary Hospitals AT Saudi Arabia 2023


  • Ahmed Mohammed Nasser Amri
  • Aali Mesfer Aali Alkhathami
  • Sarah Ibrahim Abdulmajeed Alshallali
  • Defallah Ali Defallah Alshehri
  • Lamia Lebnan Dafer Aldossri
  • Alanoud Mohammed Kader Alhosawi
  • Eman Mohammed Abdullah Modawi
  • Khairiah Nasser Saeed Asiri
  • Khairiah Saleh Bin Yahya Alqahtani
  • Boshra Ebraheem Mofareh Al wagdi



The Saudi Arabia population has a significant emergency burden of disease. In Saudi Arabia, immediate access to  X-Ray, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging may not always be available. Globally, the number of all imaging studies is increasing annually. Due to access challenges patients requiring CT head imaging needs to be carefully selected to ensure safe management and discharge. Patient demographics, clinical presentation and type of expected emergency pathology known about this population will assist the emergency physician in making appropriate management decisions . Through this study, use of radiation, Plain X-Ray, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging medical imaging for diagnostic and interventional purposes has risen dramatically in recent years with a concomitant increase in exposure of Physicians and health workers to radiation hazards. Aim of the study: To assessment Impact of Use of Plain X-Ray, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging among Emergency Physicians and health care working in X-Ray department in Public Sector Tertiary Hospitals at Saudi Arabia 2023. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 300 participants from Public Sector Tertiary Hospitals kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A validated self-administered questionnaire was used, emergency Physicians and health care working in X-Ray, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging department It includes questions on socio demographic variables, during the August to September 2023. Results: show the remaining socio-demographic characteristics of the participant regarding age most of participants 40-50 years were (33.0%) the gender majority of participants were(59.0%) were the marital status the most of participant were (52.0%) married while single were (27.0%) , regarding the department the most of participant radiology were (44.0%). Conclusion: Acquiring CT head imaging in[1] a resource limited setting requires appropriate clinical history, examination as well as awareness of the most prevalent pathology of the community the doctor is treating. Even though yield of pathology was considered high when compared to HIC there was similarity in yield to local and international LMICs.


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How to Cite

Amri, A. M. N. ., Alkhathami, A. M. A. ., Alshallali, S. I. A. ., Alshehri, D. A. D. ., Aldossri, L. L. D. ., Alhosawi, A. M. K. ., Modawi, E. M. A. ., Khairiah Nasser Saeed Asiri, Khairiah Saleh Bin Yahya Alqahtani, & Boshra Ebraheem Mofareh Al wagdi. (2023). Impact OF Use OF Plain X-Ray, Computed Tomography, AND Magnetic Resonance Imaging AMONG Emergency Physicians AND HEALTH CARE WORKING IN X-Ray DEPARTMENT IN Public Sector Tertiary Hospitals AT Saudi Arabia 2023. Migration Letters, 20(S1), 2664–2676. Retrieved from


