An Exploration Of The Migration Impact Of Career Exposure On The Employment Quality Of Graduates In Henan Province
With the expansion of the enrollment scale of Chinese universities and changes in the labor market, resolving the employment difficulties of college students and improving the employment quality of college graduates has become a focus of attention from all walks of life. This year, the number of students graduating in China's Henan province is anticipated to reach a record high. From May to August 2023, academic institutions will push more people to work for the government or state-owned businesses, pursue higher education, and find jobs in their communities or rural areas.As the scale of running a school grows, so do the number of teachers and students, their management, and the practice link's difficulties and challenges. College students build the nation's future. They must study professional courses in school and increase their career exposure to improve their job prospects. Therefore,the study is mainly to explore the impact of career exposure on the employment quality of college students graduating in Henan Province in the past three years. This study adopts a convergent mixed research method that combines quantitative and qualitative methods, data analysis was performed using PLS-SEM and NVIVO software,and ultimately confirms that career exposure has a positive and significant impact on the improvement of employment quality through the two mediating variables of career mindset and career performance.
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