Association Between The Knowledge And Practice Regarding Pressure Injury Prevention Among Nurses At Major Hospitals In Makkah City At Saudi Arabia 2023


  • Abdulaziz Ali H Alhamami
  • Abdullah Ali Abdulrahman Alahmari
  • Safar Abdullah Mohammed Alosaimi
  • Turkey Muklied Mubairk Alotaibi
  • Ahmed Saad Mohmmed Al Shehri
  • Yaseer Jameel Saleh Alotaibi
  • Ibrahiem Osahib Aish Al osaimi
  • ‏Nawal Mohsen Altheyabi
  • Meead Othman Alshwaiman
  • Meaad Salim Almotairy


Background: Lately, the numbers of pressure injury rate have increased phonetically throughout the world, more than hundreds of people in Saudi Arabia developing PI per months and years. Moreover, the hospital acquired pressure injury prevention presents an important challenge in tertiary service hospitals. Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI) are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and represent a major health concern worldwide. Patients suffering from HAPI report a poor quality of life that may lead to serious consequence on several dimensions on patients’ health including physical, social, psychological, and financial aspects. PIs harms patients by a longer recovery period, causing pain, potential risk of infections, mobility impairment and increase in healthcare cost to both the patient and the hospital/healthcare setting . Moreover, HAPI is reported to lengthen in-hospital stay in the acute setting, posing significant healthcare resource utilizations and costs. On another hand, the study found that there are several barriers to implementing the practice of prevention of pressure injury. The main barriers are the lack of knowledge among nurses, the lack of resources, the lack of support from superiors, and the lack of incentives for implementing the practice of prevention of pressure injury. Insufficient supply of linen causes patients' pressure to mount more on the tissues supporting the body parts of the body. Aim of the study: To determine the level of knowledge regarding pressure injury among nurses at Major hospitals, to determine the prevailing practice regarding pressure injury among nurses at Major hospitals, to identify the barriers and factors associated with nurses regarding to prevention and management 2023. Method: Cross-sectional descriptive research design was utilized in the current study. Result: Participants (n= 152) were mostly women (93.4%) who had a bachelor degree (88.8%). The mean score of nurses' knowledge about PI prevention is 6.82 out of 10 (60.8%), the mean score of nurses' practices about PI prevention is 23.48 out of 27 and there is a significant difference in th[1]e mean score of participants' knowledge about PI prevention with regard to their education. Conclusion : The findings indicate that more than half of the nurses had a moderate level of knowledge about PI prevention but a high level of engagement in good PI prevention practices. Finally, monitoring and follow-up are important to ensure the nurses' compliance.



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How to Cite

Alhamami, A. A. H. ., Alahmari, A. A. A. ., Alosaimi, S. A. M. ., Alotaibi, T. M. M. ., Shehri, A. S. M. A. ., Alotaibi, Y. J. S. ., osaimi, I. O. A. A. ., ‏Nawal Mohsen Altheyabi, Meead Othman Alshwaiman, & Meaad Salim Almotairy. (2023). Association Between The Knowledge And Practice Regarding Pressure Injury Prevention Among Nurses At Major Hospitals In Makkah City At Saudi Arabia 2023. Migration Letters, 20(S1), 2318–2331. Retrieved from


