The Level of Social Shyness Among Female Students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences


  • Mahmoud Aied Hatamleh
  • Ibrahim Abdul Chani Salameh
  • Faleh Sultan Abu eid
  • Ahmad Abdewahab Akour
  • Jehad Ali Salem Aljazi
  • Abdallah Salem Abed Khataybeh
  • Qutaiba Ahmad Qasim alharahsheh
  • Mo’ath Adel Magableh


Background. Social Shyness Among Females is one of the most issue that female students can face during the day especially when studying physical education. Objectives. to explore the level of social shyness among female students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, and to identify the differences in the level of social shyness according to the study variables (academic level, specific major). Methods. The researchers employed a descriptive approach, distributing questionnaires to a sample of 180 randomly selected female students from the total study population of 680 female students. A social shyness tool comprising 18 items was developed, and its validity and reliability were tested. The data were then statistically processed using appropriate statistical tests. Results the level of social shyness among the female students was moderate. It also indicated no significant statistical differences in the level of social shyness attributable to the study variables (academic level, specific major). Conclusion The researchers recommend the establishment of educational and introductory courses for female students on the importance of self-confidence while maintaining an appropriate level of social shyness. Additionally, they suggest conducting further studies to compare the level of social shyness among female students from different faculties.


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How to Cite

Hatamleh, M. A. ., Salameh, I. A. C. ., eid, F. S. A. ., Akour, A. A. ., Aljazi, J. A. S. ., Khataybeh, A. S. A. ., alharahsheh, Q. A. Q. ., & Magableh, M. A. . (2024). The Level of Social Shyness Among Female Students in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. Migration Letters, 21(5), 132–139. Retrieved from




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