Exploring the migration of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs in Birmingham by ward concentration and deprivation


  • Serena Hussain Coventry University




Birmingham, deprivation, ethno-religious clustering, internal migration, segregation, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs


This paper explores the migration within as well as migration to Birmingham of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. It provides analysis and reflection on the relationship between migration, faith group concentration and deprivation. The findings demonstrate how Muslim, Hindu and Sikh migration trends differ for specific wards characterised by contrasting levels of both socio-economic disadvantage and faith group clustering. Hindus are shown to migrate to more affluent areas, however this does not necessarily translate to moving away from wards where there are clusters of the same faith group, as discussion on Hall Green illustrates. Muslims, on the other hand, displayed a greater propensity to move away from wards with high concentrations of the same faith group, yet this did not also result in moving to more affluent wards.


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Author Biography

Serena Hussain, Coventry University

Serena Hussain is a Sociologist and Human Geographer. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations. Her previous roles include Principal Scientist on Multiculturalism and International Migration at Charles Darwin University in Australia; and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Geography, University of Oxford, where she remained a Visiting Senior Research Associate till 2013. Before coming to Oxford in 2009 she completed an ESRC funded Research Fellowship at the University of Leeds, investigating the internal migration of ethnic groups in Britain. Serena completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Manchester, and her PhD in Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Bristol. Her doctoral thesis, 'A Statistical Mapping of Muslims in Britain' (subsequently published as 'Muslims on the Map: A National Survey of Social Trends in Britain') was supervised by Professor Tariq Modood MBE and was the first PhD jointly funded by the Muslim Council of Britain and the Economic and Social Research Council.


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How to Cite

Hussain, S. (2021). Exploring the migration of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs in Birmingham by ward concentration and deprivation. Migration Letters, 18(3), 339–348. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v18i3.868




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