Associated Between Knowledge Of Protection For Patients And Risks Factors To Use Of Plain X-Ray And Magnetic Resonance Imaging Among Emergency Physicians And Health Care Working In X-Ray Department In Public Sector Hospitals At Saudi Arabia 2023


  • Sulaiman Mohammed Moed Alqahtani
  • Najeeb Hamed
  • Fouad Hamdan Mohammed Al-Sahafi
  • Abdullah Muslat Alboqami
  • Abdulmonem Abbad O Almuhalbidi
  • Meshari mosa alqasmi
  • Jameel Saud AlKhdedie
  • Meshal Eid Abdul Rahman Al-Osaimi Al-Otaibi
  • Jamal Abdulalih Mohammed Alsheik
  • Shagran Mohammed D Aldajani
  • Wessal Ahmad Abdulkareem Alkhoudair



The use of X-rays and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in medical diagnostic radiology has increased globally. The medical use of X-ray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for diagnosis of illness is subject to the principles of justification and optimization for the protection of exposed individuals. Medical X-ray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging accounts for the largest exposure of humans to man-made ionizing radiation . Exposure of individuals can lead to long-term stochastic effects. Over exposure of humans in interventional procedures can also lead to deterministic effects such as skin burns in the short term. Even though, measures are put in place to protect the operators of the X-ray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment, including radiologists, there are no systems to protect patients undergoing radiological examinations. To circumvent this problem therefore, this study was conducted to determine whether safety precautionary measures necessary for shielding patients contact to unsafe dose of radioactivity were being adhered to or not. Aim of the study: To assessment Associated between knowledge of protection for patients and risks factors to Use of Plain X-Ray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Among Emergency Physicians and health care working in X-Ray department in Public Sector Hospitals at Saudi Arabia 2023. Method[1]s: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 300 participants from Public Sector Hospitals kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A validated self-administered questionnaire was used, emergency Physicians and health care working in X-Ray, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging department It includes questions on socio demographic variables, knowledge of Risks Associated with the Use about radiations imaging , during the August to September 2023. Results: show the remaining socio-demographic characteristics of the participant regarding age most of participants 40-50 years were (33.0%) the gender majority of participants were(59.0%) were male the department the most of participant radiology were (44.0%).Conclusion: The emergency Physicians and health care working in the public sector tertiary care hospitals of Saudi Arabia seem to lack the knowledge of Risks Associated with the Use of Plain X-Ray, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging regarding the hazards of radiations and the necessary safety measures required to be undertaken during radiations imaging.


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How to Cite

Alqahtani, S. M. M. ., Hamed, N. ., Al-Sahafi, F. H. M. ., Alboqami, A. M. ., Almuhalbidi, A. A. O. ., alqasmi, M. mosa ., AlKhdedie, J. S. ., Meshal Eid Abdul Rahman Al-Osaimi Al-Otaibi, Jamal Abdulalih Mohammed Alsheik, Shagran Mohammed D Aldajani, & Wessal Ahmad Abdulkareem Alkhoudair. (2023). Associated Between Knowledge Of Protection For Patients And Risks Factors To Use Of Plain X-Ray And Magnetic Resonance Imaging Among Emergency Physicians And Health Care Working In X-Ray Department In Public Sector Hospitals At Saudi Arabia 2023. Migration Letters, 20(S1), 1823–1835. Retrieved from


