Implementation Of Building Information Modelling 6D On The Building Of Asrama Haji Pondok Gede Considering Quantity Take Off And Lighting
The development in the world of construction in Indonesia in recent years has increased significantly, but currently most of the construction in Indonesia still uses conventional methods such as those used in the Asrama Haji Pondok Gede building. One of the weaknesses of conventional methods is the estimation of time that takes longer than the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method so that in this research, the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory building modeling from the previous conventional method will be implemented into Building Information Modeling (BIM) by considering scheduling and sustainability. The results of data collection carried out are primary data by making observations and secondary data in the form of conventional working drawings and Budget Plan Cost. Both types of data were then analyzed using Autocad and Microsoft Excel software which were then processed using Revit and Dialux software. After the processing process through Revit is complete, the results of Architectural and Structural modeling and Quantity Take Off calculations are obtained. Then the results of Dialux processing obtained lighting modeling results in the form of intensity of the number of luminaires. According to the modeling results by revving, the sample volume of the k1 column on the 2nd floor between the BIM and the upward field had no discrepancies, whereas between conventional and discrepancies there was a discrepancy of 9.53%. Then in Dialux modeling, the results obtained for all rooms have an average lux value that is in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS), except for the 2nd floor room with an average lux value obtained exceeding OSHA standards of around 285 lux.
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