Cultural And Traditional Life Of Gujjar And Bakarwal Tribes Of Jammu And Kashmir


  • Shahid Javid
  • Dr. J. Muthukumar


India is known as the origin of several tribes and communities throughout the world. There are currently thirty Indian states and union territories with tribal populations, which are classified into 705 distinct ethnic groups. Article 342 of the Indian Constitution gives Tribal Communities specific privileges. After Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir has the second highest population of Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Gujjar and Bakarwal are the 3rd largest ethnic group in Jammu and Kashmir, accounting 11.9 percent of the state's total population. Gujjars and Bakarwals are two sub-ethnic groups of tribes that have kept their cultural traditions for a long time. They are a distinct and major ethnic group of tribes that are preserving their cultural traditions not only in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, but all over the country. Gujjars and Bakarwals are culturally different in comparison to other communities in the state. Their traditions differ from those of other ethnic groups and community in a various ways, including their habitats, degree of isolation, beliefs, customs and rituals. This research attempts to investigate the cultural and traditional practices of both Gujjar and Bakarwal.


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How to Cite

Javid, S. ., & Muthukumar, D. J. . (2024). Cultural And Traditional Life Of Gujjar And Bakarwal Tribes Of Jammu And Kashmir. Migration Letters, 21(S1), 1097–1105. Retrieved from


