Emigration of Medical Personnel from Tajikistan Abroad: Causes and Consequences


  • Ryazantsev Sergey Vasilyevich
  • Rakhmonov Abubakr Khasanovich




The article examines the brain drain as a process of emigration of qualified specialists from Tajikistan, the reasons for the outflow of Tajik doctors from Tajikistan, the scale and resettlement of Tajik doctors abroad. As well as the consequences of medical emigration for Tajikistan and the author's recommendation on the preservation and involvement of Tajik doctors in Tajikistan. After gaining independence, the main types of emigration from Tajikistan were labor emigration. But the economic deterioration of Tajikistan is forcing highly qualified citizens of the republic to migrate.

The beginning of the outflow of emigration of highly qualified citizens of Tajikistan is associated with the outbreak of the civil war in the republic, when most of the Russian engineers, doctors, teachers, as well as skilled workers in the industrial sector began to leave the country during the outbreak of the war. During the civil war, Russia and Kazakhstan became the main channels of emigration of highly qualified citizens of Tajikistan.

But in recent years, among the highly qualified citizens of Tajikistan, medical personnel have begun to migrate the most. The main areas of migration of medical personnel from Tajikistan is Russia. Low wages in the country are among the main reasons for the emigration of doctors from Tajikistan.

Although the Government of Tajikistan is interested in the emigration of Tajiks abroad, since half of the country's GDP is made up of migrant remittances, Tajikistan will receive more negative consequences from the emigration of medical personnel than income, since the health of the population of Tajikistan depends on medical personnel.

The purpose of the article is to identify the factors and scale of emigration of medical personnel from Tajikistan, as well as the consequences of emigration of medical personnel on the socio–economic development of Tajikistan.


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How to Cite

Vasilyevich, R. S. ., & Khasanovich, R. A. . (2024). Emigration of Medical Personnel from Tajikistan Abroad: Causes and Consequences . Migration Letters, 21(4), 1755–1767. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v21iS68489


