The Reconciliation Of Community Living In The Use Of Nira In South Sulawesi The Perspective Of Islamic Fiqh And Positive Law


  • Abdulahanaa
  • Maria Ulfa Syarif
  • St Rahmah


South Sulawesi has unique natural resource potential, namely palm trees which can produce sap (palm wine). From palm sap, good and lawful drinks and food can be produced, such as palm wine and brown sugar, as well as dangerous drinks, namely bitter wine or ballo (alcohol). The main problems studied in this research are; "How can community living reconciliation efforts be carried out to optimize the production of palm sap and increase the income of farmers and traders while preventing the misuse of palm sap in the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence and positive law. The results of the study found that the community living reconciliation model that can be used in order to reduce the use of sap for bitter wine and, at the same time, increase people's income is to make the function of community social responsibility (fardu kifayah) effective in the form of optimizing the cooperation of all related parties which is carried out in a planned, systematic, and sustainable and supported by regulations whose orientation is to encourage public awareness to continue, preserve and improve the business of production and trade of products made from palm sap as raw material in order to expand employment opportunities and improve the community's economy.


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How to Cite

Abdulahanaa, Syarif, M. U. ., & Rahmah, S. . (2024). The Reconciliation Of Community Living In The Use Of Nira In South Sulawesi The Perspective Of Islamic Fiqh And Positive Law. Migration Letters, 21(S5), 1651–1663. Retrieved from


