Strategy For Effective Stress Management Among Bank Employees In Hyderabad


  • Madhavi AVR
  • Dr. B. Srinivas Rao


The study explores a strategy for effective stress management among bank employees in Hyderabad, recognizing the crucial need for employee well-being in the dynamic banking sector. By examining the unique stressors prevalent in this regional context, the study aims to identify targeted interventions that can enhance stress resilience. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, including surveys and interviews, the research assesses the current stress levels, prevalent stressors, and the perceived efficacy of existing stress management programs. The study also proposes tailored strategies, encompassing leadership support, flexible work arrangements, and wellness programs. Through a comprehensive understanding of stress dynamics specific to Hyderabad's banking environment, this research contributes valuable insights for both academic and practical applications, facilitating the development of sustainable stress management initiatives that can positively impact employee satisfaction and overall organizational performance. The present study is limited to various reputed banks of Hyderabad. A sample of 150 employees was considered. Random convenience sampling was used.


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How to Cite

AVR, M. ., & Rao, D. B. S. . (2024). Strategy For Effective Stress Management Among Bank Employees In Hyderabad. Migration Letters, 21(S5), 1611–1619. Retrieved from


