Exploitation Of The Voiceless: A Marxist Reading Of Ishmael Beah’s Radiance Of Tomorrow


  • C. Christal Shani
  • Dr. R. Rajasekar


Exploitation is taking advantage of someone or something for their own purpose. Karl Marx portrays that workers are exploited to a greater extent by the capitalist society. Literature also mirrors the exploitation of voiceless through various literary genres.  Many writers through their works expose the sufferings of voiceless people and one among them is Ishmael Beah. Ishameal Beah is one of the prominent writers of Sierra Leone. In his works, he usually documents the sufferings and humiliation of the voiceless people. His novel Radiance of Tomorrow exposes the untold miseries of middle class and low class people.Through various characters the writer brings to light the sufferings of the voiceless people. The present paperExploitation of the Voiceless: A Marxist reading of Ishmael Beah’s Radiance of Tomorrow” is an attempt to showcase, how the voiceless people are exploited by the capitalists in Sierra Leone.


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How to Cite

Shani, C. C. ., & Rajasekar, D. R. . (2024). Exploitation Of The Voiceless: A Marxist Reading Of Ishmael Beah’s Radiance Of Tomorrow. Migration Letters, 21(S4), 1816–1819. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/8375




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