Teaching Science By Inquiry In The Curricular Area Of Science And Technology


  • Nelly Vega Olivos
  • Atoche-Silva Luz Angélica
  • Aura Vega-Olivos
  • Anibal Mejía-Benavides
  • Oscar Rujel Atoche




For centuries, education was conceived as the unilateral transmission of knowledge between sender and receiver, the evaluation of which stamped a classifying stamp on the participants. However, the knowledge society of which we are a part, characterized by the leading role that knowledge obtained as a product of inquiry has assumed, which, as it is not observed in our classrooms, motivates the search for changes in the methodology of teaching, with the firm conviction that it results in the formation of critical individuals.  autonomous, with the ability to solve problems in their environment, finding it necessary to influence the strengthening of scientific inquiry through the Inquire of Science and Technology competition, in order to train researchers from secondary school classrooms.

This reality motivated us to propose in this study, the application of the ECBI program in the Indaga S&T competition, with the purpose of strengthening it. The study is positivist, applied research, experimental design with pre- and post-testing to a single group. The sample of 25 third-grade high school students from the 7 de Enero Technical Educational Institution (IET) was selected from the population of 182 students, by non-probabilistic convenience sampling.

From the general objective, whose statistical results with p - value of 0.00, theoretical bases and comparisons with studies carried out in varied contexts, allowed to conclude that the methodology proposed in the ECBI – Indaga program, significantly strengthens the Indaga competence of S&T, therefore its application in students of all educational levels is proposed.


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How to Cite

Olivos, N. V. ., Angélica, A.-S. L. ., Vega-Olivos, A. ., Mejía-Benavides, A. ., & Atoche, O. R. . (2024). Teaching Science By Inquiry In The Curricular Area Of Science And Technology. Migration Letters, 21(S5), 1412–1432. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v21iS6.8192


