A Study On Artificial Intelligence Towards Customer Relationship In Private And Public Banks In Thrissur District, Kerala


  • Lipinraj K
  • Dr. S. Madasamy


There have been ground-breaking changes in the banking business, with a clear focus on meeting customer needs. Customers, especially those who are tech-savvy and used to the newest innovations, expect banks to provide smooth services. To meet the needs for digital money, e-banking, and real cash transfers, financial institutions have grown beyond their usual areas of expertise. They now work with retail, IT, and telecom. These improvements have made it easier for people to use banking services around the clock, but they have also come with some costs for the financial sector. A lot of thought went into this study about the pros and cons of using AI in Indian banks. It looks at how artificial intelligence is used in banking services and how that affects relationships with customers in a detailed way. The information comes from a questionnaire that was filled out by 106 customers of state and private banks in Kerala's Thrissur district.


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How to Cite

K, L. ., & Madasamy, D. S. . (2024). A Study On Artificial Intelligence Towards Customer Relationship In Private And Public Banks In Thrissur District, Kerala . Migration Letters, 21(S6), 1001–1009. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/8112


