The Determinants of the Employment Status of Return Migrants in Albania


  • Merita Zulfiu Alili South East European University, N. Macedonia
  • Nick Adnett Staffordshire University
  • Teuta Veseli-Kurtishi South East European University, N. Macedonia



Participatory-Action-Research, audiovisual methods, citizen empowerment, transnational migration processes, self-representation


Return migration may be associated with the addition of new human capital, entrepreneurial skills and investment funds in the country of origin. The size of these stimuli will likely depend upon the characteristics of the return migrants and the motivation for their return. This paper presents an analysis of the determinants of the probability of Albanian return migrants being in employment. This study examines the role of the socio-demographic characteristics of returning migrants; their experience while abroad and the motivations for their return. The results suggest that being male, holding a university degree, being unemployed before returning and receiving training while abroad increase the probability of finding a job after return. The higher probability of returnees being in employment or self-employment indicates that the overall benefits to the economy of return migrants may be much larger than previously thought. Facilitating or accelerating the social integration and employability of return migrants to Albania could encourage more emigrants to return and provide a further boost to its economy.


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How to Cite

Zulfiu Alili, M., Adnett, N., & Veseli-Kurtishi, T. (2019). The Determinants of the Employment Status of Return Migrants in Albania. Migration Letters, 16(4), 625–636.