A Multi-Objective Approach For Optimizing Energy Consumption In 6G Mobile Communication Networks


  • Sonia Aneesh
  • Alam N. Shaikh


The emergence of 6G mobile communication networks has led to a growing demand for sustainable energy solutions. This technical research paper investigates the energy consumption challenges faced by 6G networks that rely on battery-powered devices. The limited battery capacity of these devices poses a challenge in terms of reducing energy consumption and extending network lifetime. Our research aims to identify the optimal nodes for data transmission in order to minimize energy consumption and maximize network lifetime in 6G networks. Furthermore, we take into account the societal responsibility of minimizing the environmental impact caused by the carbon footprint of information and communication technology by implementing strategies to reduce power consumption in 6G networks. In the proposed multi-objective optimization algorithm, we are trying to minimize the power transmitted as well as maximize the time to run. The results show an accuracy of up to 98.48%, a sensitivity of 84%, and a specificity of 99.2%. The optimization of energy consumption in 6G mobile communication networks has important implications for both reducing costs and extending network lifetime, while also contributing to reducing the ecological impact of technology on society


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How to Cite

Aneesh, S. ., & Shaikh, A. N. . (2024). A Multi-Objective Approach For Optimizing Energy Consumption In 6G Mobile Communication Networks. Migration Letters, 21(S6), 788–796. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/7996


