US-Chinese Relations: A Study Of Tension Factors After The Year 2000


  • Banstani Essmat Deno


American-Chinese relations are extremely complex due to their ramifications in various fields and the competition and contradiction they contain. They are a relationship between prevailing powers that are keen to limit any party that threatens their influence and compete with their interests and aspires to reach their global status and rising powers that aim to build themselves, enhance their influence, and formulate their roles in a way that enhances them. In its interests, this relationship has become tense in more than one area. The study adopted the analytical approach to interpret and analyze the research data and is based on a central question: What are the sources of tension in US-Chinese relations and what is their nature? A research hypothesis states: China’s economic rise and the resulting advanced military capabilities in terms of quantity and quality and effectiveness in political performance were the cause of an exacerbation of the state of tension in its relationship with the United States of America, which sees what is happening in China and what it is doing as a threat to its interests and global influence.


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How to Cite

Deno, B. E. . (2024). US-Chinese Relations: A Study Of Tension Factors After The Year 2000. Migration Letters, 21(S6), 756–762. Retrieved from


