Pastoral Ecology With Umpasa Cultural Approach In Batak Land


  • Ratna Saragih
  • Eduard Hutabarat
  • Jojor Silalahi
  • Hendra Putra Purba
  • Andar Gunawan Pasaribu



This research aims to develop pastoral ecology with local wisdom, namely umpasa culture in Batak society and create new umpasa that contain concerns about ecological crisis in order to educate Batak people to care about environmental crises.

Theoretical Framework:

The research is grounded in qualitative methods. The study applies these theoretical frameworks to analyze umpasa culture, which is a person's speech or expression with the intention of advice, prayer and hope for people who express umpasa to the recipient of umpasa. Thus, it can be said that umpasa has power for the Batak community in conveying messages either in the form of advice or hope.


 The phenomenological method becomes a method for this research, as a way of renewal to view the relationship between humans and the environment and study the relationship between them. This research involved Batak people who live around Lake Toba. Source triangulation is carried out by carrying out the step of verifying the initial conclusions by reconfirming the information obtained from all informants of this study. 

Results & Conclusion:

 Umpasa which comes from family education traditions related to efforts to educate indigenous communities, is still relevant today today. So, Batak customs are not about idolaters, but community education that aims to make life whole.  Education with local wisdom using umpasa is still suitable to be applied in Batak society because this wisdom is part of Batak identity. However, its relevance needs to be explored for broader purposes, including environmental conservation.


This research contributes to develop pastoral ecology with an umpasa cultural approach for the cultivation of the value of Batak community concern in maintaining the environment.


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How to Cite

Saragih, R. ., Hutabarat, E. ., Silalahi, J. ., Purba, H. P. ., & Pasaribu, A. G. . (2024). Pastoral Ecology With Umpasa Cultural Approach In Batak Land. Migration Letters, 21(S6), 682–690. Retrieved from


