Integrating Digital Transformation And Innovation For Sustainable Entrepreneurship In Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (Smes)


  • Dr. R. Florence Bharathi
  • Dr. D. Sasikala Devi
  • Praveen Kumar Gandra
  • Surendar Gade
  • Dr. Sunita Dhote
  • Dr Priya Makhija


The focus of business study has shifted to entrepreneurship because of its ability to improve economic resilience and have a transformative effect. Within Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), innovation and digital transformation are integrated with the new paradigm of sustainable entrepreneurship. For long-term success and competitiveness, SMEs must combine these essential components as the global business landscape experiences dynamic changes. SMEs make up 90% of all enterprises and 50% of all jobs worldwide, making them an important part of the global business scene. The study investigates how innovation in sustainable entrepreneurial practices and digital transformation work together to promote smooth integration. The idea of sustainable entrepreneurship is still in its infancy, while receiving increasing support from institutions. Discussions over its definition, application, and driving forces are ongoing. A model that makes use of various estimation strategies has been developed to traverse this changing terrain. Based on a thorough literature review and quantitative analysis involving 325 entrepreneurs, the article clarifies the strategic paths that SMEs can take to attain synergy, promoting resilience and adaptability. The results highlight the need for a comprehensive strategy that combines innovation, digital transformation, and sustainable entrepreneurship to move SMEs toward a future of efficiency, growth, and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Bharathi, D. R. F. ., Devi, D. D. S. ., Gandra, P. K. ., Gade, S. ., Dhote, D. S. ., & Makhija, D. P. . (2024). Integrating Digital Transformation And Innovation For Sustainable Entrepreneurship In Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (Smes). Migration Letters, 21(S6), 631–639. Retrieved from




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