New Forms of Collaborative Lawyering and Story Construction in the Field of International Protection: Cases of Victims of Human Trafficking


  • Flora Di Donato University of Naples, Law Department



sustainable tourism, segmentation, social values, developing countries, cluster analysis


This contribution seeks to explore new forms of legal, human and social protection in which clients, lawyers and voluntary associations work together to identify vulnerable people and their needs and to defend them. It shows how forms of so-called collaborative lawyering can be articulated in practice by analysing cases of international protection in Italy. It puts the accent on the role played by non-lawyers (cultural mediators) in contributing to the victims of human trafficking processes of familiarisation and socialisation, thereby exploring whether and how these diverse collaborators may contribute to empowering the performance of vulnerable clients in the procedures that involve them. The contribution ends with a proposal to make conscious use of legal storytelling as a tool for supporting vulnerable clients, in a socio-clinical space shared between researchers, professionals (attorneys, judges, voluntary associations) and clinical students.


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Author Biography

Flora Di Donato, University of Naples, Law Department

Professor of Philosophy of Law & Clinical Legal Training

Department of Law - University of Naples "Federico II"


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How to Cite

Di Donato, F. (2020). New Forms of Collaborative Lawyering and Story Construction in the Field of International Protection: Cases of Victims of Human Trafficking. Migration Letters, 17(2), 299–307.