International Remittances and Private Healthcare in Kerala, India


  • Mohd Imran Khan Narsee Monji Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai
  • Valatheeswaran C.



international migration, remittances, healthcare expenditure, health care access


The inflow of international remittances to Kerala has been increasing over the last three decades. It has increased the income of recipient households and enabled them to spend more on human capital investment. Using data from the Kerala Migration Survey-2010, this study analyses the impact of remittance receipts on the households’ healthcare expenditure and access to private healthcare in Kerala. This study employs an instrumental variable approach to account for the endogeneity of remittances receipts. The empirical results show that remittance income has a positive and significant impact on households’ healthcare expenditure and access to private healthcare services. After disaggregating the sample into different heterogeneous groups, this study found that remittances have a greater effect on lower-income households and Other Backward Class (OBC) households but not Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) households, which remain excluded from reaping the benefit of international migration and remittances.


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Author Biography

Mohd Imran Khan, Narsee Monji Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai

Assistant Professor, School of Economics


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How to Cite

Khan, M. I., & C., V. (2020). International Remittances and Private Healthcare in Kerala, India. Migration Letters, 17(3), 445–460.


