Understanding The Impact On The Teacher Professional Learning: Combination Of The Psychological States And School Capacity
Teacher Professional learning is highlighted to provide an avenue for teachers to obtain necessary skills to improve their teaching. The objective of the research was to explore the role of teachers’ psychological states and school capacity on teacher professional development. This study examined the question through analyzing the data that collected from 417 teachers at a private university in Henan province of China. The research utilized statistical analysis to obtain the Mean and Standard Deviation. Multiple regression analysis was used to verify the validity of the variables. The psychological state of teachers contained two significant items, including teacher self-efficiency (β=0.178, P=.000); teacher agency (β=0.227, P=.000). School capacity also includes two variables: teacher trust (β=0.392, P=.000); teacher communication (β=0.105, P=.010). This result of the research showed good support for the proposed hypotheses. Teacher psychological states and school capacity were positively related to teacher professional learning.
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