Signaling Similarity in the Icelandic Labour Market: How Can Immigrants Reduce Statistical Discrimination?


  • Kari Kristinsson University of Iceland
  • Margret Sigrun Sigurdardottir University of Iceland



Review, CRM, CRM components, CRM lifecycles


Research on immigration has emphasized the role that statistical discrimination plays in hiring decisions. A better understanding of how immigrants overcome this type of discrimination might lead to better interventions to improve their labour market participation. In this paper, we use qualitative interviews to examine how immigrants can reduce statistical discrimination by signalling their similarity to employers in their job applications. Specifically, we find that immigrants who demonstrate signal similarity to employers in the type of education, job experience and religion tend to reduce their statistical discrimination by employers. We suggest how further research can build on these results to provide possible tools for immigrant integration.


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Author Biography

Kari Kristinsson, University of Iceland

Associate Professor
University of Iceland


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How to Cite

Kristinsson, K., & Sigurdardottir, M. S. (2020). Signaling Similarity in the Icelandic Labour Market: How Can Immigrants Reduce Statistical Discrimination?. Migration Letters, 17(2), 349–356.