Embracing Complexity: Diaspora Politics as a Co-Construction





human capital, labor force participation, Mexican migration


Building on cases of conflict-generated diaspora groups, the article proposes to understand diaspora politics as a co-construction between a series of actors that is not limited to home and host states. It argues that repeated attempts to understand diaspora politics as mostly produced by home or host countries is the result of an unwillingness to embrace the fundamentally disruptive nature of diasporas in interstate politics. Diasporas are hybrid political actors that have connections, not only with their countries of origin and of residence, but also with other diaspora groups located in the same country or elsewhere as well as with other actors at the transnational level. Taking stock of state-based approaches to diaspora politics, as well as of analyses focusing on internal diaspora matters, the article shifts the focus towards the interstate and transnational dimensions of diaspora politics and emphasises their potential to move across levels and spheres of engagement

Author Biography

Élise Féron, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University

Élise Féron is a Docent and a senior researcher at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (Tampere University, Finland). She is also an invited professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), at Sciences Po Lille (France), and at the University of Turin (Italy). Her main research interests include conflict-generated diaspora politics, gender and conflicts, as well as conflict prevention. Her recent publications include : Wartime Sexual Violence Against Men. Power and Masculinities in Conflict Zones, Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2018; “Diasporas and conflicts – understanding the nexus” (with Bruno Lefort), Diaspora Studies, 2019, 12(1): 34-51; “National populism and gendered vigilantism: The case of the Soldiers of Odin in Finland.” (with Sarai Aharoni), Cooperation and Conflict, 2019. 


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How to Cite

Féron, Élise. (2020). Embracing Complexity: Diaspora Politics as a Co-Construction. Migration Letters, 17(1), 27–36. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v17i1.758