The Role of Banking Governance in Building the Board of Directors and its Impact on Maximizing the Value of the Bank: An Applied Study on Banks Listed on the Financial Market and Iraqi Stock Market Indicators


  • Amjed Jaafar Habeeb Bahraluloom
  • Dr. Rehab Badawi bin Salim


The study aims to find out how the way a bank is managed can affect its success. An essential part of bank management is the selection of board members. This study must determine how having the right people on the board can improve a bank. How a bank is run can impact how successful it is and how it makes decisions about money. The study found that when banks have good rules and leadership, they operate better and make more money for those who own them. The employees in charge of the bank have an essential job in ensuring that it runs well and makes the most money for its owners. The study found that banks must continue to improve how they are managed and have a group of excellent leaders. They must also be interested in helping others and using new technology and risk management methods.


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How to Cite

Bahraluloom, A. J. H. ., & Salim, D. R. B. bin . . (2024). The Role of Banking Governance in Building the Board of Directors and its Impact on Maximizing the Value of the Bank: An Applied Study on Banks Listed on the Financial Market and Iraqi Stock Market Indicators. Migration Letters, 21(S4), 1242–1255. Retrieved from


