Eleven Steps STEAM with Project-Based Learning in Vocational Education


  • Bulkia Rahim
  • Ambiyar
  • Waskito
  • Cici Andriani
  • Eko Indrawan
  • Jasman
  • Syaiful Islami


The purpose of this article is to design the application of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) using a project-based learning approach that is suitable for application in vocational education and to explore how STEAM can improve knowledge, project planning, use technology, and calculate with mathematics towards projects, improving skills for vocational education students. This research uses research and development, and the development model used is the Borg and Gall model. The results of the STEAM design research using the project-based learning approach have resulted in eleven steps. The Eleven STEAM Steps with the Project-Based Learning approach have gone through a validation process carried out by three vocational education experts who stated that the eleven STEAM Steps with the Project-Based Learning approach are valid for use in learning.


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How to Cite

Rahim, B. ., Ambiyar, Waskito, Andriani, C. ., Indrawan, E. ., Jasman, & Islami, S. . (2024). Eleven Steps STEAM with Project-Based Learning in Vocational Education . Migration Letters, 21(4), 621–629. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/7538




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