Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Systematic Review and Perspectives in Latin America


  • Leonardo Mauris de la Ossa
  • Jorge Hoyos Rentería
  • Fredy Fernández Gómez
  • Gelver Pérez Pulido


This review systematically analyzed the literature published between 2018 and 2023 in Latin America on the inclusion of artificial intelligence in higher education. The aim was to identify which studies have been published on this topic, indicating what the scientific production has contributed, but also the weaknesses and gaps that persist. The question it sought to answer was: How has the integration of artificial intelligence in higher education been addressed in Latin America? It concludes that the available information allows us to answer that the main interest has been to show, in a reflective, exploratory, or descriptive way, the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in higher education. That is, there have mainly been conceptual analyses on the implications of this emerging technology, rather than empirical research on its implementation or actual impact. Gaps persist regarding case studies, concrete applications of AI, or assessments of its effectiveness in Latin American educational contexts.


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How to Cite

de la Ossa, L. M. ., Rentería, J. H. ., Gómez, F. F. ., & Pulido, G. P. . (2024). Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Systematic Review and Perspectives in Latin America. Migration Letters, 21(S4), 1210–1224. Retrieved from




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