Design and Validation of an Anaerobic Bioreactor through Controlled Fermentation of Coffee to Improve the Cup Profile Villa Rica-Peru


  • Camayo-Lapa, Becquer Frauberth
  • Quispe-Solano, Miguel Ángel
  • Álvarez-Bernuy de Veliz, Silvia Marina
  • Adrian Becquer Camayo-Vivas
  • Mayra Yotsy Monago-Curi
  • Kempia Toribia Canales-Yaranga


Coffee is one of the most popular and valuable beverages in the world, and the quality of coffee has become a focal point for producers, roasters and consumers. Fermentation is a critical stage in the production of coffee, since it is during this process that the biochemical reactions are generated where the aroma and flavor precursors that define the quality of the coffee in the cup are developed. Given the importance of this stage, it is fundamental to establish adequate conditions for its realization. In this sense, the objective is to design, construct and validate an anaerobic bioreactor with automated controls to improve the quality of coffee in cup. Therefore, the results obtained were a design and construction of an anaerobic bioreactor for an average of 100 kg of coffee with temperature sensors and automation programs for real-time data management and process control to ensure optimal and reproducible fermentation. In addition, 86-point SCAA average profiles were achieved by cupping specialists. The design and construction of a bioreactor with automated controls for coffee fermentation would represent a significant advance in the coffee industry, providing efficient and reproducible tools that would contribute to obtaining high quality coffee and consumer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Frauberth, C.-L. B., Ángel, Q.-S. M. ., Marina, Álvarez-B. de V. S. ., Camayo-Vivas, A. B. ., Monago-Curi, M. Y. ., & Canales-Yaranga, K. T. . (2024). Design and Validation of an Anaerobic Bioreactor through Controlled Fermentation of Coffee to Improve the Cup Profile Villa Rica-Peru. Migration Letters, 21(S4), 1197–1209. Retrieved from


