Treading lightly: regularised migrant workers in Europe


  • Eugenia Markova University of Brighton
  • Anna Paraskevopoulou Paraskevopoulou Anglia Ruskin University
  • Sonia McKay University of Greenwich and University of the West of England



startup, branding, brand positioning, brand experience, customer relationship and loyalty, e-commerce


This study draws on qualitative interviews with regularised, semi-documented and undocumented migrant workers in seven EU countries, each with a different experience of implementing regularisations as a policy tool to manage undocumented migration. The article examines the relationship between a regularised or documented status and work conditions, including access to employment and social rights. It sheds light on the importance of labour market structures in creating opportunities or otherwise for those with newly acquired legality in the host country. The complex impact of migrant status alongside the importance of a strong industrial relations system to enforce rights at work is revealed.


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Author Biographies

Eugenia Markova, University of Brighton

Brighton University

Brighton VBusiness School

Senior Lecturer in Economics

Anna Paraskevopoulou Paraskevopoulou, Anglia Ruskin University

Senior Lecturer in HRM and Leadership
Course Leader - BSc Business and Human Resource Management
Lord Ashcroft Business School
Anglia Ruskin University

Sonia McKay, University of Greenwich and University of the West of England

Visiting Professor University of Greenwich and

Visiting Professor University of the West of England


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How to Cite

Markova, E., Paraskevopoulou, A. P., & McKay, S. (2019). Treading lightly: regularised migrant workers in Europe. Migration Letters, 16(3), 451–461.