Exploring the Severity of Factors Influencing Lifestyle on Housing Preference of Young Adults: A Thematic Analysis


  • Dr. SR. Rameshkkumar
  • Dr. Puja Gope
  • Dr. R. Santhosh
  • Dr. Ninad Murlidhar Gawande
  • M. M. Vishnu
  • Dr. S. Umamaheswari


The study aims to assess the severity and impact of various factors influencing the lifestyle on the housing preferences of young adults. Through a comprehensive examination of financial considerations, location preferences, lifestyle choices, and socio-cultural factors, the researcher seeks to quantify the relative importance of each element in shaping the housing decisions of this demographic. By analyzing survey data, interviews, and demographic information. The study will also explore the dynamic nature of these influences, considering how life stages, technological advancements, and environmental concerns amplify or mitigate their effects. The findings from this research will offer valuable insights for policymakers, real estate developers, and urban planners to better cater to the diverse and evolving needs of young adults in the housing market. As the most accessible and accurate surrogate for a consumer's choice to buy, preference research is vital. Many scholars from different countries have looked into housing preferences, utilizing different approaches and different definitions of the term "preference" to guide their studies. Many young people struggle to get a home because of housing shortages and financial difficulties, putting them at a disadvantage when competing with older generations. Research has shown that young people throughout the globe place a premium on being able to move freely about their homes. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to generalize about young people's housing preferences since they differ greatly between contexts.


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How to Cite

Rameshkkumar, D. S. ., Gope, D. P. ., Santhosh, D. R., Gawande, D. N. M. ., Vishnu, M. M. ., & Umamaheswari, D. S. . (2024). Exploring the Severity of Factors Influencing Lifestyle on Housing Preference of Young Adults: A Thematic Analysis. Migration Letters, 21(S1), 1013–1023. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/7464


